With rich history, vibrant arts, natural beauty, cool brews and great eats, Binghamton and Broome County is a great place to visit. It’s also a wonderful place to live, work and play.

Picture a slower pace. Imagine life without the hassle of traffic. Embrace the opportunity to explore.
Give yourself some space with the same amenities of the big city or busy suburbs, minus the stress. Broome County is a place with plenty to discover at your own speed – and with a lower cost of living.
Binghamton and its surrounding communities are based on true stories of an innovative past that’s fueling a new creative culture you’ll find thriving in galleries, breweries and restaurants. Broome County’s quaint towns and villages offer simple living among picturesque surroundings.
Nature provides the perfect backdrop in all four seasons from rounds of golf in spring to snowshoe hikes among acres of parks and wilderness. This is a place to experience it all – and do it comfortably.

Relocation comes with many advantages that include affordable housing and exemplary education. It’s a great place to raise a family or just enjoy yourself.
Binghamton is a place to explore history, but not in the museum sense. Everywhere you look, old buildings and empty spaces are being transformed by modern visionaries. Miles of waterfront are being reimagined to support more recreation. Revitalized neighborhoods support everything from brilliant artists to busy shops.

Revisit urban life with drive-time travel to the East Coast and Canada’s biggest cities. Outdoor adventurers find themselves with the Catskill and Adirondack mountains in their own backyard. Wine aficionados can easily venture to the renowned Finger Lakes or New York’s most famous water feature, Niagara Falls.
However you spend your time, it takes on a greater value in Greater Binghamton and Broome County. This is a place to reimagine and revitalize yourself – a place to live a good life.

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